Saturday, December 8, 2018

Democrat Racism: Charter School edition

The Democrats were founded by a racist slave owner who committed horrible crimes against indigenous people.

The Democrats fought a war to keep slavery legal.

The Democrats founded the KKK.

The Democrats passed all the discriminatory Jim Crow laws.

Democrats led the charge against the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Despite all this the #FakeNews media keeps telling us that it's the Republicans who are racists and the Democrats who love Blacks. They claim that the parties somehow magically changed their positions during the 1960s/70s.

But if we look at current Democrat policies we see that they are racist today not just 50 years ago.

Charter schools have shown that they can give inner city Black children a decent education unlike the failing public schools.  Tens of thousands of parents, presumably mostly minorities, are on the waiting lists to get their children into charter schools.

So of course the Democrats are working hard to increase the number of charter schools?  Actually no; in fact they're working as hard as they can to eliminate charter schools.

In New York 39% of public school students scored at the "proficient" level in math but 100% of the mostly minority students in the Crown Heights Success Academy got that "proficient" rating. However Democrats like John Liu and Julia Salazar want to get rid of charter schools.

Why? Because the Democrats don't care about Blacks but they do care about teacher's unions who send millions into Democrat coffers each election cycle.  Democrats know if they ensure that Blacks don't get a decent education it will be more likely that Blacks will continue to vote Democrat so they have no incentive to help Blacks succeed.

If Democrats weren't racists they'd be pushing the charter school movement because it has a proven success rate at helping Blacks.  But instead Democrats are trying hard to crush a ray of hope for inner city Blacks.

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