Thursday, December 13, 2018

Democrat defends the First Amendment but says that he wishes he could censor speech

California Democrat Ted Lieu said:

However, I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech. The First Amendment prevents me from doing so and that’s simply a function of the First Amendment, but I think over the long run, it’s better that government does not regulate the content of speech.

The thought that a Congressman would want to regulate speech is pretty scary.  True he does step back from his initial point but the idea that he thinks that censorship based on his beliefs is good is very unAmerican.

If you hate Trump and don't like Republicans ask yourself how you would react if say Paul Ryan said that wished he could censor speech but he knew he couldn't and that the was probably good.  It's unlikely you'd say the that was ok.

Amazingly Lieu also acted as though things that Republicans do are negative because they don't agree with Democrats and that therefore the fact that Google shows up more negative things about Republicans isn't biased.  Clearly if Google changed the rules and followed Republican definitions of what is negative then Democrats would get many more negative results.

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