Monday, December 10, 2018

Judging them by the company they keep Democrat edition

It's an old saying that you can judge a person by the company they keep; mass murderers rarely hang out with priests for example.

So who do Democrats choose to hang out with in a political sense?

1) Planned Parenthood:  PP makes millions every year killing unborn babies for any reason.  They also have no problem selling baby parts to the highest bidder. The founder of PP, Margret Sanger, was a racist who viewed Black people as undesirable which may explain why 79% of PP "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods.  It may also be why PP accepted donations that were earmarked for aborting only Black babies.

2) Antifa: Antifa is a fascist organization which used violence to silence voices it doesn't like.  Since the left defines anyone who is as far right as George Bush as a Nazi the folks at Antifa are comfortable shutting down pretty much everyone except those on the far left.

3) Black Lives Matter: We all agree that Black lives do matter but most of us also agree that all lives matter something BLM members aren't so sure about.  Further BLM advocates violence against police.

4) Mobs: Democrats like Maxine Waters have called for mobs to drive Republicans out of public places.

5) Radical Islam:  While there are many good Muslims in the world the Islamic faith justifies horrible things, like marrying a 6 year old girl.  But Democrats have no problem associating with radical Muslims who hate white people like Nation of Islam leader Louie Farrakhan or worrying about the civil rights of Islamic terrorists detained at Gitmo.

6) Labor Unions:  Now unions aren't intrinsically bad and most union members are great people but Democrats support government worker unions and compulsory union membership which aren't good.  Further union leadership is often corrupt and always very rich.

7) The Soviet Union: Back when the Russians were trying to take over the world the Democrats were all pals with Gorbachev, the Soviet dictator, and angry at Ronald Reagan.  As recently as the Obama administration Hillary was taking in tons of money from Russia and Obama was mocking Romney for saying that Russia was a threat.

8) China:  When Obama wasn't wishing he could rule like the tyrant who runs China, and hence presumably wishing he could run tank treads over conservatives, other Democrats were extolling how wonderful China was even though it force women to have abortions. Oh and Democrats aren't bothered by the 60,000,000 people the Chinese tyrants have killed.

9)Chicago Gangs: If you don't live in Chicago you probably don't know that Democrat politicians in the city use the gangs, you know the ones that are behind most of the nearly 4000 shootings of Blacks each year, to get out the vote.

10) Cuba:  It's interesting that Democrats are so enamored of Cuba where there is no freedom and for a long time gays were executed for being gay.

11) Che:  Che was a mass murdering terrorist who killed gays for Cuba but many Democrats have t-shirts with his picture on them.

12) Drug dealers: Democrats, and sadly some Republicans, are working hard to get dope dealers back on the street faster. Maybe that's because the majority of those impacted by Black drug dealers are Blacks not whites.

All in all we see that Democrats associate with folks who are not what you'd call champions of the American dream of equality, freedom, and the rule of law.

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