Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Leftist fascism: Slate's union edition

All is not happy at Slate.com. The union made up of the writing staff is mightily upset at Slate management for not forcing all writers to pay union dues; that is the union is upset that the management allows workers to exercise their right of free association.

The union tweeted:

"Most crucially, our unit continues to be outraged by management's inclusion of a right to work clause..."

So it's not working conditions, benefits, or pay that has the union concerned it's the idea that workers won't be forced to join the union.  One would think that if the union was providing workers with value workers would want to join.

But as with ObamaCare the left believes that people are too stupid to do what's "right"--ie what leftists want them to do--and hence must be compelled.

Just one more example of the fascist dictatorial nature of the left.

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