Saturday, December 22, 2018

Modern Racism: LeBron edition

You know that the discussion about racism in America is insane when a Black man who is paid $36.5 million a year to play a game says that his bosses have a "slave mentality".

Talk about mocking true slavery. The pampered and grossly overpaid NBA and NFL players complaining about being mistreated while they make hundreds of times more than the average hard working American of any race is obscene.

LeBron says that it's the players who make the game which is also not true.  Without the owners investing hundreds of millions of dollars and guaranteeing the players pay no matter how bad their income is there would be no NBA.  When LeBron puts up the sort of money necessary to run an NBA franchise he can start talking about how bad NBA bosses are.

Oh and if anyone ever said that an industry is run by old Black men the cries of racism would resound through out the media but it's fine to stereotype white men.

To summarize I'd love to be a "slave" who is paid tens of millions of dollars a year to play a game and I think I'm hardly alone in that.

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