Wednesday, December 19, 2018

James Comey proves his bias

In testimony to Congress when asked about who paid for the Steele dossier Comey first said that it was Republicans--which it wasn't--and then said who cares.

Who cares?  Clearly if Trump had paid anonymous Russian sources for lies about Hillary and then tried to get the FBI to get a FISA warrant to spy on Hillary based on it Comey would have cared.

We tend to forget that without months of dogged effort by Congressman Nunes, a real Hispanic not a fake one like Beto, we wouldn't know that Hillary paid for the unverified Steele dossier or that the FBI had used that and that alone to justify turning the entire Intelligence Community into an engine for Obama to spy on the Trump campaign.

Now the Democrats want to claim that firing the clearly highly biased Comey was obstruction of justice or that Trump suggesting to Comey that he go easy on Flynn because Flynn was an American hero was obstruction of justice.

Meanwhile those same Democrats told us before Trump fired Comey that Comey should be fired because of how he handled the Hillary case.  Similarly no one is talking about charging Loretta Lynch with obstruction even though she secretly met with Bill Clinton while Hillary Clinton was under investigation and then, shortly after that meeting, Hillary was cleared of all charges.

The reality is that Comey is part of the Deep State; his loyalties are to big government and all those unelected government employee's who view themselves as our rulers not as our servants.

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