Saturday, December 1, 2018

The ADL report on "right wing terrorism" is a Big Lie

The Washington Post and the New York Times are making a big deal about a recent Anti-Defamation League(ADL) report that purportedly shows that violence in America is due to right wing people not Antifa, Democrat inspired mobs, or Islamic terrorists.

The report claims that of the 34 extremist related murders in the US in 2017 20 were connected to right wing extremism.

The problem is that the report comes to its conclusions by the use of very unusual definitions. They only include murders, which means that Antifa mob violence isn't included, and they group personally motivated crimes, a white nationalist killing his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, for white nationalists but not for Black gang members in Chicago who can be very racist.

This sort of odd classification is critical for the report's conclusions so here are two examples both of which are cited by the report as extremist related attacks so you can judge for yourself:

NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 31, 2017. An Islamic extremist, Sayfullo Saipov, is accused of driving a rental truck down a bike path in New York City, killing eight people and injuring 11 others before being shot and arrested by police. Saipov reportedly claimed allegiance to ISIS.

GREELEY, COLORADO, AUGUST 16, 2017. Kelly Raisley, believed to be a member or associate of the 211 Crew white supremacist gang, was arrested on first-degree murder charges for the murder of his uncle, Randy Gene Baker. Baker’s wife and sister were similarly arrested. The motive was apparently personal.

Note that the report says that a possible white supremacist gang member who killed his uncle for personal reasons is on par with a deliberate terrorist attack by an ISIS member.  The report justifies this nonsense by saying that the list is of "extremist related murders" not terrorist attacks.

Going through the list of the 34 supposedly extremist related attacks only 8, possibly 7 depending on how you want to classify a school shooting by a mentally ill individual, are what most people would consider to be extremist violence as opposed to people who have extremist views committing the sorts of crimes that non-extremists do--such as murdering a home owner during a robbery.

If one wanted to compile a list of every murder committed by extremists, which according to the report would include racists, there would be far more crimes by Black racists than are listed in the ADL report.  This under reporting of left wing murders may be due to the ideological bias of the ADL which is a very left-wing organization and as such probably views white racism differently than Black racism because current leftist theory declares that minorities lack power and hence, by definition, can't be racist.

We also know that the report excluded at least two examples of extremist related murders that conform to the report's definition.

Fort Lauderdale Airport 1/6/2017: Esteban  Santiago-Ruiz shot 36 people. While he clearly has mental problems, as do several of the killers in the ADL list, he did admit to watching ISIS videos.  If the school shooting by a white nationalist is on the list this should be too.

Antioch Tennessee 9/24/2017: Emanuel Samson, who was a Black supremacist, opened fire in a Church as revenge for the 2015 Charleston Church shooting

How many other incidents were missed is unknown but these two are 25% of the 8 cases of real extremist violence listed in the report which is ample justification to question whether or not the authors cherry picked incidents to support their conclusion.

Another problem is that the report categorizes Nazi's as right wing.  While that is a standard Democrat claim the reality is that Nazi's are socialists and hence left wing.  

Also given the racist nature of the modern Democrat party's policies--doing nothing about thousands of Blacks being shot in Chiraq each year, not caring that Black women are 3 times as likely to aborttheir children as white women, declaringthat school choice for inner city Blacks is "racist", and working hard to get Black criminals released early even though those criminals are likely to prey on Blacks once they're released, keeping the police from effectively policing in Black neighborhoods-- it's far from clear that white supremacists are right wing. Given that Trump and all conservative leaders condemn racism and that they're constantly advocating policies to help Blacks--enterprise zones, stronger sentencing, pro-active policing, school choice, defunding Planned Parenthood--an argument can be made to group white nationalists with the left not the right.

But of course the biggest problem with the report is that by restricting itself to murders it excludes the majority of the left-wing violence in America today.  While the ADL report is careful to refer to "extremist related murders" the 
NYT talks about "right wing violence".

For example a left wing activist nearly murdered Republican Congressman Steve Scalise and was intent on murdering more Republicans yet because Scalise managed to miraculously survive the incident isn't in the report.

The unprovoked 
attack on Senator Rand Paul was probably motivated by political extremism, though the attacker denies it, but even though the Senator suffered serious injuries it is not listed in the ADL report.

Similarly Antifa rioting in Charlottesville, Berkley, and other locations isn't mentioned even though most reasonable people would classify the actions of these armed militants as violence.

Further by restricting itself to 2017 the report is able to sweep under the rug violent leftist extremists 
threatening Tucker Carlson's family along with Democrats, like Maxine Waters, calling for mobs to drive Republicans out of public places.

It's clear that the conclusions of this report aren't what they're being portrayed to be by the #FakeNews media.  Even if we accept the contents of the report, which is a big stretch given the odd selection methodology that was used, it doesn't show that violence is primarily due to right wing extremists only that white racists are responsible for around 20 murders over the course of a year.

In a country with 
around 17,234 murders in 2017 declaring that white racists are a huge problem even using this report's approach is a rather big stretch.

But the reality is that the report uses a specifically chosen set of definitions and probably cherry picks examples to further an ideological agenda.  The odd choices of the report's authors allow them to exclude the real and growing wave of left wing violence, violence that leading Democrats have endorsed, and provide cover for the #FakeNews media and the Democrats who are trying to project their new found love of "direct action" on Republicans.

There are no right wing mobs driving Democrats out of public places and using violence to shut down speech that Republican's don't like but Antifa and other left wing groups are using violence to intimidate and suppress people on the right.

Unlike a few white racists killing random people the use of mob violence to silence speech is a real threat to this country's political system.  Not only does it dramatically increase the risk of counter violence it denies the people access to all sides of an issue which means that the voters lack the knowledge to make intelligent decisions about how they want their country to be run.

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