Sunday, December 30, 2018

Democrats hate Catholics

Two Democrat Senators, Harris from California and Hirono from Hawaii, are saying that belonging to a large and very old Catholic charitable organization, the Knights of Columbus, is unacceptable for a Federal judge.

I don't doubt that those same Senators wouldn't say a thing about a Muslim who gives to Muslim charities even though many Muslim charities support terrorism.

In 2016 the Knights donated $175,079,192 to charity and their members provided 73.4 million hours of service.  Yet we're told by Democrats that belonging to this organization is evil.

Why?  Because the Knights support Catholic moral teaching.  Hirono says that the Knights support for California's Prop 8, which supported the traditional definition of marriage, is "extreme". This in spite of the fact that Prop 8 passed with a 52% majority and the fact that Blacks voted 80% in favor of the proposition.

Apparently Hirono considers the majority of California voters, and Blacks, to be undesirable extremists.

What's interesting is that the redefinition of marriage had to be accomplished through a judicial fiat which overruled the votes of 51,000,000 Americans yet the Democrats consider those who disagree with them to be the "extremists".

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