Monday, December 10, 2018

Russian collusion is out. Campaign finance violations are in.

After nearly 2 years of lying to the American people Democrats and the #FakeNews media have finally decided that since there isn't a smidgen of proof that Trump colluded with the Russians they have to find another bogus charge to raise in order to justify their impeachment of Trump.

Have no doubt about it the Democrat House will impeach Trump because Democrats are fascists who stick together no matter what and they have not a smidgen of morality so they won't care if whatever bogus charge they come up with is either true or significant.

With the entire Russian collusion story hinging on the admittedly unverified, Russian sourced, Democrat paid for Steele dossier even the Democrats are thinking that that's not a winner.

On the other hand the new shiny charge is that Trump somehow violated campaign finance laws by paying women who claimed to have had sex with him to not speak out.

Here's a short list of the problems with this new Big Lie:

1) Democrats are saying that Trump defrauded the voters by denying them knowledge of his past affairs.  Yet Bill Clinton did that and, from the perspective of the #MeToo movement, worse.  Not only did Bill not list the many women he'd cheated with prior to his election he, and Hillary, actually viciously attacked those women in public in an attempt to destroy their credibility.  Further Clinton directly lied to the American people about his on-going affairs.  Finally Clinton was accused of rape and sexual harassment not just cheating.  Hence if Trump "defrauded" the voters by paying off women who he'd had consensual sex with Clinton carpet bombed the voters by lying about his infidelities and pressuring his victims from speaking out.

2) If the hush money was Trump it can't be a campaign finance crime since a candidate can use an unlimited amount of his own money in a campaign.

3) Hillary's campaign didn't disclose that it was paying for "dirt" on Trump from Russian sources so attacking Trump is the height of hypocrisy and another sign that the Democrats don't believe in the rule of law.

4) Obama's campaign was found guilty of taking millions of dollars in illegal contributions, which helped him win, and it was settled with a fine.  No one, not even the most radical conservatives, said that that was basis for impeachment.  Once again if Democrats impeach Trump based on something that Obama was much worse at it'll show that Democrats reject the rule of law and will do anything to increase their power.

5) The source for these claims is a proven liar who was "represented" at his plea bargain by attorney's who work for his prosecutor.

In the end we need to steel ourselves for the fact that the Democrats will impeach Trump using a bogus and dishonest rationale simply because they, as fascists, don't believe elections count unless they win.

But with the #FakeNews media lying about whatever bogus claim the Democrats produce 24/7 we need to talk the truth to everyone we know.

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