Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Left hates religious liberty

In case you didn't know five leftists states--California, New York, Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland--are suing to deny American's their First Amendment right to exercise their faith.

These states are saying that Trump issued regulations that say that people whose faith prevents them from helping in abortions and/or providing artificial birth control can't be forced to do so by including abortion inducing drugs and/or contraceptives in the health care plan their companies offer.

This makes sense.  If someone's faith teaches them that abortion is murder and that artificial birth control, which often acts as an abortifacient, is morally wrong--a position held by all Christians until the 1930s--then if we are to be a diverse society which respects individuals beliefs whether or not we agree with them then it would be odious to make those people participate in something they view is wrong.

Just as it would be odious to demand that a gay baker bake a cake with an anti-gay message.

The fact that leftists are willing to sue to demand that others be forced to do what they find morally objectionable is a clear sign that the left cares not one whit for diversity or tolerance.

Can you imagine the outcry if a conservative administration demanded that atheists stand by silently while others prayed in school?  Oh wait you don't have to.  The same leftists who are suing to force Catholic nuns to participate in abortions have said that asking an atheist to sit silently by while the rest of the class prays a non-sectarian prayer is intolerable.

Essentially when the left talks about tolerance and diversity what they really mean is that whatever they like--from pornography to abortion--must be accepted and whatever they don't like--disgreeing with them on anything--cannot be accepted.

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