Tuesday, December 11, 2018

No majority in the world wants massive immigration

A recent Pew study of 27 countries produces some startling anti-#FakeNews media information about what real people think about immigration.

Spain, with 28% supporting more immigration, demonstrated the most eagerness to bring in foreigners.  In Greece 82% wanted fewer immigrants. Overall the median value for reducing immigration was 45%, for keeping it the same 36%, and for having more immigrants was 14%.

However those numbers are probably a bit too friendly to the #FakeNews narrative that immigration is great because they don't take into account current immigration rates.  For example the people of a country which currently allows few immigrants will be less likely to say that there should be fewer immigrants.  Japan for example has far fewer immigrants than the US and hence it's not surprising that the Japanese aren't too concerned about reducing immigration but contrary to what the #FakeNews media want us to believe the Japanese aren't too keen on increasing their very low immigration rate.

Countries in the EU tend to not want more immigrants which isn't surprising because they're being swamped with low eduction low skill Muslims who aren't interested in assimilating.  Europeans aren't anti-Islam but they do want to immigrants to respect the law and to try and assimilate; something that even Pope Francis has said is reasonable.

Contrary to the #FakeNews media lies Americans don't oppose massive immigration out of hatred but because illegals aren't assimilating, many in fact calling for Mexico to reclaim the American West, and legal immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans by being willing to work for less.

It's interesting that the Democrats who are supposedly so in favor of the working man are also amazingly eager to bring in what are essentially "scabs"--people who will cross a union strike line to work for lower wages and who will enable companies to pay lower wages to workers so the bosses can make more money--to replace American workers.

That's basically a scheme to transfer tax payer dollars to the 1%.  The American workers who can't find a job because they've been displaced by cheap foreign labor often end up on welfare, paid for by the taxpayers, while the rich owners of big companies make a fortune by paying the foreign labor less.

In the US the resistance to immigration is increased by the injustice of allowing illegals to stay here.  There are 1,300,000 honest Mexicans, and hundreds of thousands of honest residents of other Central American countries, waiting in line to enter the US legally.  Why should we let illegals, whose primary loyalty is to themselves not to America or the law, jump the line?

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