Monday, December 3, 2018

"Collusion" vs collusion

For more than 2 years now Democrats and the #FakeNews media have been peddling the Big Lie that Trump somehow colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 elections.

The majority of Democrats today believe that the Russians actually changed the vote tallies; a charge that even Obama has rejected.

In those 2 years the only "evidence" for any collusion has been the infamous Steele dossier.  Paid for by Hillary, compiled by a virulently anti-Trump British ex-spy, and consisting of only "unverified"--in the words of its author--claims from anonymous Russian sources the dossier would be ignored or mocked by any unpartisan individual.

In fact the Steele dossier is a clear and unambiguous bit of evidence that Hillary, not Trump, colluded with Russia to impact the 2016 election.

It's impossible to reconcile the Democrats vision of a Russia totally controlled by Putin with the idea that multiple Russian source, all anonymous however, talked to a person known by the Russian government to have worked for British intelligence about sensitive matters without the support/approval/direction of the Putin regime.

But even if that's not the case Hillary has admitted to colluding, and paying, Russian sources for "dirt" on Trump and using that "dirt" to attack Trump both before and after the election.

Now that's collusion.  Yet the #FakeNews media and the Democrats continue to shout about Trump's "collusion" while completely ignoring the proven collusion of Hillary with the Russians.

But that's not the only example of the #FakeNews media ignoring real collusion with foreign powers by Democrats.

For example Obama shut down a major investigation into drug dealing by Hezb'allah, a terrorist client of Iran, in order to help facilitate the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran.

And of course there is the obvious collusion between Russia and Hillary related to the sale of 20% of US uranium resources to a Russian company.  Bill Clinton was paid $500K for one talk and millions of dollars were funneled into the Clinton's "charity" from Russian sources and in return Hillary ok'd the deal. While it's true that Hillary wasn't the only one to ok the deal it's true that it was necessary that she ok it and it's also true that it was Hillary who "reset" our relationship with Russia essentially deciding to ignore the fact that Russia still occupied chunks of the country of Georgia.

The reality is that the left is right; there has been massive collusion with Russia by one of the candidates for President in 2016. But they're pretending it's Trump in order to deflect the criticism from Hillary.

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