Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Democrats haven't changed their racism but they have changed their position on Russia

When you point out to Democrats that it's the Democrats who were founded by a slave owning racist, fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal, founded the KKK, passed all the Jim Crow laws, and fought against desegregating schools they'll tell you that that was the old Democrats but that now Democrats love Black people and it's Republicans who are racists.

Democrats say that Democrats and Republicans switched their positions sometime in the 1960s.

However if we look at Democrat policy since then it's clear that they're still racists.

  • Democrats do nothing while thousands of Blacks are shot each year in Democrat run cities like Chicago
  • Democrats call allowing improved educational opportunities to inner city Blacks "racist"
  • Democrats don't care that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women or that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks
  • Democrats declared the economy was great under Obama even when Black unemployment was sky high
  • Democrats love illegals even though they steal jobs from Blacks and drive down Black wages
  • Democrats viciously attack any Black who doesn't agree with the rich white guys who run the Democrat party

On the other hand Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln, are still working hard to end Democrat racism:

  • Republicans call for stricter law enforcement to give Blacks safe neighborhoods
  • Republicans call for school choice for inner city Blacks so they can get a decent education
  • Republicans call for enterprise zones to bring jobs to Black neighborhoods
  • Republicans call for the elimination of what Jesse Jackson called genocide against Black people; abortion

So it's clear that contrary to Democrat claims there is a continuity in discrimination against Blacks from the founder of the Democrat party to today's Democrat leadership.

On the other hand the Democrats have changed their position on Russia.

When Ronald Reagan was orchestrating the fall of the Soviet Union Democrats said that he was the problem and that the dictator who ran Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev, was a hero and a true peacemaker. Never mind the fact that the Soviets murdered dissidents over seas, had threatened to "bury" America, were engaged in world wide imperialism, murdered 60,000,000 of their own citizens, was occupying all of Eastern Europe, had brutally suppressed freedom movements, and were striving for world domination Democrats "knew" that it was America that was the problem and the Russians who were truly a force for good in the world.

That attitude towards Russia continued through Obama's presidency where Hillary Clinton "reset" our relationship with Russia even though the Russians had invaded and annexed part of neighboring Georgia.  In addition Obama mocked Romney for saying that Russia was a strategic threat to the US.

But suddenly in 2016 the Democrats did a complete about face and began declaring that Russia was the US's primary opponent?

The flip was based on the fact that the Democrats needed to delegitimize the 2016 election and they were honestly furious at the Russians because while the Democrats could ignore mass murder, imperialistic plans, vicious political oppression, and overseas assassinations they were incensed that Russia may have done something to impede Democrats quest for absolute power.

If in fact the Russians had released the DNC emails that showed that the elite rich white folk who run the DNC cheated in order to suppress Bernie Sanders that was a bridge too far for Democrats not because they care about Bernie but because it hurt Hillary.

When you hear a Democrat bemoan Trump because he's too soft on Russia it's good to remember a few things:

  • Trump convinced NATO to increase defense spending which Russia hates
  • Trump increased US defense spending which Russia hates
  • Trump has increases sanctions against Russia
  • Trump attacked Syria, a Russian client, for the use of chemical weapons while Obama let Russia have free reign and didn't strike Syria in the same circumstances
  • Russia assassinated people overseas back when the Democrats loved them
  • Trump convinced Germany to stop a program that would have made the Russians billions of dollars

The reality is that Trump has done nothing to appease Russia but Obama did.

The only reason that the Democrats have flipped on Russia is that they hate Russia for revealing the dishonest shenanigans of the DNC and that they're spreading the Big Lie that Trump didn't win the 2016 election fairly.

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