Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Democrats want to retroactively tax your texts

We're constantly told by Democrats that Democrat run California is today what the rest of America will be in the future.

Well the Democrats in California are not only planning to tax your texts they're planning to make the tax retroactive for the last 5 years.

This tells us two things; one that Democrats will do anything to make your money their money and two that Democrats are now considering retroactive taxes.

Given that Pelosi is from California it's quite likely that she's considering not only increasing taxes, Democrats have been talking about that since early 2018, but making the increase retroactive.  Now that's a way to really boost the amount of money Democrats can spend to buy votes.

Imagine the Democrats, and the folks in the #FakeNews media, would trumpet the fact that the increase was only say 0.1% while ensuring that the Democrats coffers would be filled by making that increase retroactive for say 20 years.

The Democrats would probably also charge you fines for not having paid the tax in the past when it didn't exist.

Oh and I think that illegals qualify for the cheap phone service this new tax is supposed to pay for.  All the companies that offer these services say that you need to be poor and none say you need to be a citizen.  However one site pointed out that if your child, DACA anyone, is getting welfare you can get one of these subsidized phones.

It's likely that the massive increase in the cost of these programs, it's gone from $670M in 2011 to $998M in 2017, is due  to illegals, more expensive phone service, or to a massive increase in the poor in California since the California population has only increased by about 3M in the last 10  years, not counting 2018.

Given the push in California to ensure that illegals get all the benefits of citizenship without having to pay the taxes it's likely that illegals are getting phone service subsidized by citizens.

But that's the Democrats plan to ensure that the illegals who vote illegally today will vote Democrat and the illegals that the Democrats turn into citizens will vote Democrat in the future.

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