Saturday, December 15, 2018

Science shows Democrats are racists

A study by two Yale and Princeton researchers--both of whom are women so according to the Democrats they must be right--says that Democrats patronize minorities based on the politicians choice of words when addressing minority audiences.

Basically their study shows that Democrats talk down to minorities while Republicans don't.

The Democrats talk less about their competence when addressing minorities just as people don't talk about being successful around their less successful friends.  Republicans on the other hand don't think that talking about their competence will offend minorities because in the minds of Republicans minorities are just as successful.  That's why Democrats bad mouth Blacks like Ben Carson and Justice Thomas who succeed without conforming to Democrat demands; Carson and Thomas show that Democrat stereotypes of Blacks needing white help to succeed are false.

This is also not surprising in that Democrats are in love with identity politics where we aren't viewed as individuals but as members of various groups. That's why to Democrats Obama is a Black man just like a Black man raised in Chicago's ghettos even though Obama had all the benefits of "white privilege" including going to the best of schools.

If you think about it this explains why Democrats don't do anything about the never ending slaughter of Blacks in Democrat run cities; in the minds of Democrats Blacks are losers and there's no way that losers can be stopped from shooting each other.

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