Saturday, December 15, 2018

Is the #FakeNews media biased; now you can find out

A Federal judge has ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional.

You can use this as an experiment to see if the #FakeNews media is biased.

When various Federal judges have declared that things Trump has done are unconstitutional the #FakeNews media have always not only declared the judge to be right but heaped a pile of condemnation on Trump as well. Even when those random Federal judges are making insane claims--if Hillary had issued the same executive order it would be legal but it's not legal because Trump issued it--the #FakeNews media has treated the ruling as though it was brought down from Mount Sinai engraved on stone tablets.

If that is all due to honest reporting then we should see the same sort of coverage over a Federal judge finding Obamacare is unconstitutional.

If we don't, if the media attacks the ruling and doesn't condemn Obama, then we have clear irrefutable proof that the #FakeNews media is in fact nothing more than the propaganda bureau of the Democrat party.

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