Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bush; a hero, a good man, but not a conservative

In our rush to eulogize Bush we should remember that while he was an honorable man and a hero who put his life on the line to protect our country he wasn't a conservative.

It was Bush who ended the Reagan revolution and ushered in the Clinton era.

But Bush wasn't a bad man; however he does teach us that compromising with Democrats is a futile endeavor because they'll always rig the deal.

While we should all be praying for him, as we should for everyone who dies, we should also not forget the damage he did because he was a moderate.

It's sad that we've lost Bush because he was a good man but when you hear the media saying how great he was, something they never said when he actually had power, it's just another way for the media to attack Trump.

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