Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Obama the hater

Recently Obama claimed that the reason we're not reducing carbon emissions by 30% is that we're bad people.

"The reason we don't do it because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues,"

Aside from the fact that the US under Trump has decreased CO2 emissions more than any European country--you know the one's that leftists like Obama always tell us are so much better on the environment than America-- what strikes an unbiased reader is that Obama really hates Americans and looks down at them.

Sane people, and Obama is sane, don't call people they respect racists with "mommy issues".

Of course the #FakeNews media isn't going to call out Obama on this because not only is he the closest thing most of them have to a god but they agree with him; they're elitists who hate the average  American.

To see why the #FakeNews media is the enemy of the people just ponder on what the #FakeNews media would say if Trump declared that anyone who opposes the Wall was "confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues"?

This is just one more example of the #FakeNews media's Big Lie that it's the right that hates.  The reality is that it's Democrats and the left who are the haters in America.

In the case of the Democrats that's a long tradition starting with their racist slave owning founder, their fighting the civil war to defend slavery, their founding of the KKK, their passing Jim Crow laws, their softness on Communism, their support for radical Islam, and their complete lack of concern over the thousands of Blacks shot in Democrat run cities each year.

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