Sunday, December 16, 2018

Hollywood Hedonism Lies: Pornography edition

For the first 180 years or so after the adoption of the Constitution no one thought that pornography was protected speech.

Then by judicial fiat rich lawyers on the Supreme Court informed us that in fact pornography was not merely legal but directly protected by the Constitution.

While scum like Hugh Hefner rejoiced, more money, many Americans were very upset about this.  But since unlike the situation when Congress passes a law that the people don't like where they can elect new representatives to change the law it's nearly impossible to overturn a Supreme Court decision.

Well after a few decades we've seen the horrible impact on society that pornography has.  Of course only the time since the Internet took off really counts since prior to that getting pornography was difficult.  Today children are bombarded with porn from as soon as they can use the Internet.

What we're seeing today is that pornography, contrary to the image created by the media and Hollywood, is an unmitigated disaster.

Studies have shown that pornography literally changes our brains and renders us less able to have truly loving relationships.  Essentially pornography convinces us that the artificially attractive always willing women are the norm.  Few women, especially older wives, can be as good looking as the "sex workers" who star in porno.  Similarly real women aren't always eager to have sex at anytime with anyone like the characters in porn films.

An interesting study was done with butterflies.  Butterflies are attracted to mates based on the shape and color of their wings.  So a scientist made cardboard wings that were better shaped and more colorful than real butterfly wings.  The male butterflies tried to mate with the cardboard and after having been exposed to only the cardboard "wings" for a while the butterflies when given an opportunity to mate with cardboard or real butterflies choose the cardboard.  Studies on the human mind have show the same sort of thing; when something is important to us if we're exposed to a better version of it we will lose the ability to appreciate the lesser version of it.

The reality is that real woman simply can't compete with the women of porn not only because of Photoshop and the fact that porn "actresses" are all young but because they are not real women with real life issues.  They don't come home after a long day at work feeling too tired to do anything nor do they have to raise children.  A famous person once said that it's only possible to make evil look good in fiction. The same is true of the mythical porn star character; casual constant sex is only good when we ignore the realities ranging from STDs to pregnancies and we pretend that women aren't really people with feelings who want to be loved but simply sex addicted objects for men to use.

A key problem with porn is that it teaches us to objectify others as things to be used for our pleasure not people to be loved for who they are.  In porn the characters are nothing more than things to be used there is no concern for the person or what is good for that person. That's why violence against sex partners is so common in porn; if they're not human what's wrong with hurting them?

Further in porn the victim of the violence, usually a woman, is shown liking it the vast majority of the time. This creates the false idea in the heads of young men who watch porn that women like to be hurt and the false impression in the minds of young women that if they don't like to be hurt there's something wrong with them.

By supporting porn people support crimes against the "actors" in most if not all cases. Porn workers are often sexually trafficked individuals and even when they're not they're often coerced into doing things that they didn't want to do. Many former porn "stars" have talked about how they were forced into doing things. One common ploy is for a woman to agree to this or that sex act and then when they show up for the filming they're told that a different, more extreme, sex act is required.  They then can either choose to not be paid that day and upset their managers which will reduce the chances of further work or they can agree to do the act that they didn't want to do.

There is absolutely no upside to porn. It doesn't make anyone a better more loving human being.

It doesn't help us enjoy sex with real people more--in fact it does just the opposite by teaching us that the real people we love aren't as desirable as the fictitious people we see in porn.

All porn does is make lots of money for monsters who have no problem exploiting people.

If you watch porn remember that it's hurting you and you're hurting the people in the porn industry by inducing them, with your money, to debase themselves.

If you're a normal person you've never thought about what you're really doing because the left wing culture we live in extolls the objectification of people and covers up the seamy underbelly of the porn industry.

Now that you know the truth though break the hold of porn and become the truly loving person you want to be.

1 comment:

Phelps said...

Porn is free.

Only a small minority ever pay for it, yet it is there for everyone. It’s all professionally produced, and there’s tons of money flying around, from production to distribution.

So where is the money coming from? Who is spending billions to flood the world with free, anonymous porn?