Saturday, August 1, 2020

More kids are dying from schools being closed than from COVID19

That's the head of the CDC.

It's important to understand that Democrat politicians could care less if you die. In fact the more of we the people who do die the happier Democrats are.

That's because they think that if they can blame Trump for the deaths caused by the Chinese Communist government lying and not addressing the Chine virus when it first reared it's ugly head they will get elected.

Studies have shown the following:

1) People under 20 have a 1 in 1,250,000 chance of dying from COVID19
2) Europe has reopened schools and no problems have occurred
3) People over 70 are the ones most at risk from this virus
4) Shelter in place has led to higher suicide and family violence rates
5) Keeping children out of school will lead to more deaths than reopening schools
6) Children of color and poor kids in general do worse with distance learning than white kids do

The simple reality is that if we care about our kids we'd be reopening the schools not keeping them shut.

That's why 68% of American want to reopen the schools.

Democrat politicians don't care about the kids so they want the schools closed.

One key reason for that is that they think it'll help them get elected in November, and power is all Democrat politicians care about, and another is that the teacher's unions--which pour huge amounts of money into Democrat candidate's coffers--want to be paid to not work; they're currently saying that don't even want to do distance learning.

That distance learning hurts children of color more doesn't bother Democrat politicians a bit.  But then the shooting of thousands of Blacks in Democrat run cities doesn't phase them either.

The simple reality is the same Democrats who attacked Trump for putting a travel ban on China when the pandemic was starting are now trying to blame him for what the Chinese communists did.

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