Thursday, August 27, 2020

Democrats call for a massive tax hike on the poor and increasing CO2 production: Banning Fracking edition

At their convention the Democrats declared that they'd ban fracking.

Fracking is a way to extract natural gas from the ground.

Fracking has directly led to significant reductions in CO2 emissions under Trump because burning natural gas creates less CO2 than burning coal does.

Without fracking the US will have to use more coal, since wind and solar simply can't provide enough reliable power, thereby increasing CO2 production.

Hence it's clear that Democrats don't care about climate change.

Further eliminating fracking will increase the cost of energy which is effectively a tax on energy caused by the Democrats imposing their ideology on the American energy industry.

Eliminating fracking is a highly regressive tax on the poor because while the increase in energy costs is the same for everyone poor people spend a higher fraction of their money on energy.

Hence by coming out against fracking Democrats are adding a stealth tax on the poor to their nearly endless list of new taxes designed to let Democrats spend the money you earn.


Anonymous said...

If you read the approved democratic party platform from the DNC convention you will find it does not call for the banning of fracking. An effort to add a ban on fracking to the 2016 party platform failed similarly. And Biden himself has explicitly said he would not call for such a ban.

It's possible some people at the convention said things in opposition to fracking but it is clearly not the majority position of the party or, importantly, its leaders.

But I know you won't actually delete or revise this post. You don't care about the truth.

Anonymous said...

Oh I should explain. A "party platform" is a document approved by functioning political parties that express what they would like to do and what they stand for. You might not know about it because the Republicans haven't managed to produce one this go around.

trinko said...

Here's the truth:

""There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking," she[Kamala Harris] said during a 2019 town hall event on climate change hosted by CNN.

"This is something I've taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue. We have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities."

Biden, himself, took a strong stance on oil and gas from the start of his campaign. If elected, he planned to end some subsidies for oil and gas companies while also placing a ban on oil and gas leasing on public lands. "

The reality is that the fact that fracking isn't explicitly banned in the platform is like Obama telling us he opposed redefining marriage; a lie used to get elected.

"During the primary season, as he worked to secure the votes of his Party’s left-leaning voter base, Mr. Biden has promised at various times to enforce a policy of “no new fracking” in his administration; to end the use of oil and natural gas in the United States; and to end new drilling on federal lands in the U.S."

Anonymous said...

Got it. So you have no evidence the party actually intends to ban fracking but you've concocted a conspiracy theory in your mind in opposition to what the candidate actually has said. That's a fun idea. I can just take anything a candidate says, reverse it and attribute it back to the candidate.

"I hear Trump is going to secretly nominate liberal pro-Roe justices to the SCOTUS. He says he's pro-life but we all know he actually used to be pro-choice and is just doing this to buy the GOP vote."