Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe Biden's first loyalty is to the Democrat party not the Catholic Church

Joe Biden continues the Democrat tradition of saying he's religious when in fact his first loyalty is to whatever the Democrat party teaches.

Bill Clinton showed up with a Bible while lying under oath and being a serial adulterer--at least as far as we can tell Trump stopped fooling around before he got elected.

Barack Obama told us what a great Christian he was while doing his best to ensure that Christians had to help with gay "weddings" and that Catholic nuns would have to help procure abortions.

Now Joe Biden boasts about how he goes to Mass every Sunday and says his rosary while declaring that he will use the full power of the government, if he's elected, to force Catholic nuns to provide contraception and abortion inducing drugs.

That's like an Orthodox Jew talking about how he observes the Sabbath and saying he's going to force Jews to eat pork.

The Democrat party says marriage should be redefined. The Catholic Church says it shouldn't.

Joe sided with the Democrat party.

The Democrat party says that abortion should be legal for any reason, including because the unborn baby is a girl and the mother wants a boy,  at any point in a pregnancy.  The Catholic Church says ever intentional abortion is the murder of an innocent.

Joe sided with the Democrat party; he didn't even say he only supports the "hard" cases of rape, incest, and threat to the life of the mother.

The Democrat party says that you should pay for all abortions. The Catholic Church says forcing people to financially support an elective procedure is wrong.

Joe dropped his opposition to using your tax dollars to pay for abortion.

Clearly Joe is really a Protestant but he's too eager to get the Catholic vote to tell the truth.

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