Friday, August 28, 2020

Joe Biden says he'll protect us from threats but his record shows otherwise

That sounds comforting until you consider Biden's actual record.  While Biden acts as though he's a newcomer he's been in politics for 48 years so we can see how he's done at protecting us in the past.

While VP Biden supported Obama's Iran policy which included sending billions of dollars to Iran even though Joe knew that some of that money would be used for terrorism.

John Kerry, who was secretary of state at the time, said this about the billions that Biden sent to Iran:

"I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists," he said in the interview in Davos, referring to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. "You know, to some degree, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that can be prevented."

Clearly Joe knew too.

Not clear how that's protecting us and our families.

Of course the entire nuclear deal was designed to let Iran get the bomb, albeit a bit in the future so Joe and Obama wouldn't be blamed, which is hardly something that protects us and our families.

Joe Biden condemned Trump's taking out the Iranian terrorist mastermind who had the blood of hundreds of Americans on his hands, General Soleimani. Apparently Joe doesn't count the American soldiers that Soleimani killed as part of America.

China is acting in an imperialistic and jingoistic way but Joe continually defends them.  And while Joe is eager to blame Trump for the China virus he's shown no interest in holding China responsible for lying about the nature of the virus and deliberately not taking steps to stop it before it became a pandemic.

If China's lying and imprisoning doctors who were trying to stop COVID19 wasn't a threat to America I don't know what would be but Joe declared that Trump's travel ban on China was "xenophobic".

Clearly Joe is more interested in protecting China than he is in protecting you and your family.

But no wonder; the tyrants running China gave Joe's son Hunter $1.5 billion of their money to invest which means that the Biden family will be getting 10s of millions of dollars from the Chinese government.

You and I haven't given the Bidens that kind of money so naturally Joe protects the folks who pay him.

With rioters destroying Black communities and spreading COVID19 Joe hasn't really spoken out against anarchy in the streets. The subject wasn't mentioned at his convention and he's not really made a point of condemning the use of violence, as opposed to truly peaceful protests.

Of course this lack of concern about Black neighborhoods is a long standing tradition with Joe.  For years thousands of Blacks are shot and murdered in Democrat run cities year after year.  Yet Joe has never demanded that things change so that Blacks can live in safe neighborhoods.

In Joe's 48 years of "public service" I don't know of a single case where he's actually protected us from anything.

No reason to believe he'll change now.  Especially since in his tweet he didn't even mention Antifa, BLM, or the riots.


Anonymous said...

> In Joe's 48 years of "public service" I don't know of a single case where he's actually protected us from anything.

Is this hyperbole or are you ignorant?

trinko said...

neither. I note that you don't actually cite anything Joe's done that has protected us; are you thinking about his bill that put all those Black people in prison?

Anonymous said...

well I'm not going to cite any just for you to say it was hyperbole. So I need you to first tell me if you were being hyperbolic.