Monday, August 24, 2020

Democrats hate Native Americans: Elizabeth Warren edition

We always knew that Elizabeth Warren wasn't native American but when she produced her DNA test it was established without a doubt.

But Democrats aren't bothered that she pretended to be Native American to steal jobs from real Native Americans for decades.

That's because they don't care about Native Americans.

Doubt that?

After the whole world found out that Warren isn't native America the DNC invited her to be on the DNC Native American Caucus at the Democrat convention.

That's like inviting Al Jolson to be on the African American caucus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you aware you can attend a caucus meeting or speak to a caucus without being a member? In fact you can even join a caucus for a group even if you aren't a member of that group. For example, the California Democratic Party Arab American Caucus lets you join if you "believe in and support the purpose of the Caucus".

this might be the most wrong you've been.