Friday, July 31, 2020

De Blasio says that schools should be open but he won't open them

The Democrat mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, plans to provide child care for 100,000 students in the fall but keep schools closed most of the time with students attending school only 1 or 2 days a week.

Given that we know from a study in LA that Blacks and Latinos do far worse with distance learning than white and asian kids keeping the schools closed is clearly a racist policy.

But more importantly child care settings are more prone to spreading disease than a classroom where for most of the time kids are sitting in desks 3 ft apart.

If you're going to shove kids into child care why not let them go to school?

Essentially de Blasio is proposing all the health risks associated with school, which according to science aren't bad, but without the actual learning.

Also it's been shown that kids of color are less likely to participate in distance learning so that means that keeping the schools closed is racist.

Why is de Blasio willing to hurt kids?

Because Democrats are unified in their belief that your suffering, your children's suffering is a price worth paying for Democrats getting more control over every aspect of your life.

They believe if the situation is bad enough in America you'll vote for a change, namely Joe Biden, even if that change is to a guy whose policies would have made the pandemics impact on America worse.

Democrats don't care about you; they only care about power.

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