Sunday, August 16, 2020

All mail in voting is bad for elections even if the Democrats don't cheat

Republicans have good reason to suspect that Democrats will try and steal the 2020 election.

In Democrat run states Democrats are doing everything they can to make it easy for illegal aliens to vote; in California illegal aliens can register to vote if they tell a computer that they're citizens--it's on the honor code their claim is never checked.

Unlike Republicans Democrats have a long and continuous history of voting fraud.  In the 1960 election fraud in Texas and Illinois won the presidency for JFK.

For 90 years the Democrat machine in Chicago has turned out the dead to vote.

Today Democrats are sending mail in ballots to everyone on the voting rolls even though they know that millions of those "people" don't exist--they've either died or moved.

What makes it clear that fraud is what Democrats have in mind is that they're also suing to prevent states from checking the signatures on mail in ballots; Nevada has gone so far as to say that ballots without individual signatures will be accepted.

Some places are allowing people to mail their ballot up to 17 days after the election.  So Trump wins by 5000 votes in a swing state and then 16 days later magically 5001 new Democrat votes show up.  I you know how many votes you have to produce for your candidate to win you can avoid embarrassing things like having far more votes from a county than there are registered voters in that county.

But even if we didn't have very good reason to know that Democrats are setting up massive voting fraud mailing everyone a ballot would be a bad thing because it reduces people's confidence in our democracy.

If Trump loses by say 10,000 votes in some swing state which we know sent over 100,000 ballots out to people who don't exist will it be surprising that Republicans will be dubious that Trump lost fair and square?

As has been pointed out the Postal Union has already come out and endorsed Trump and many postal workers took time off to help campaign for Hillary and will undoubtedly do the same for Biden.  Is it really crazy talk to think that some of them might just hang on to those ballots that don't have a legal home?

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