Monday, August 17, 2020

Democrats want to defund the police and let criminals prey on you: Chicago edition

The mayor of Chicago, who is a Democrat, is still chanting on about gun control while hundred of looters rampage through the Chicago downtown looting.

A BLM leader says that what they did wasn't theft it was them claiming reparations for the fact that some of their long distant ancestors might have been slaves.

The looters weren't peaceful with 13 cops having been injured.

The riots were supposedly in response to the police shooting someone but in that case the crook fired on the cops first. But apparently in Democrat run cities cops aren't supposed to shoot back when shot at.

To be fair to mayor Lightfoot she did scold the rioters saying that looting is “straight up felony criminal conduct.”

We'll have to see if the rioters who have been arrested are actually charged; in Democrat run St. Louis they were all released.

It's also interesting that the police weren't able to protect the core of Chicago's shopping district which would seem to indicate more cops not fewer are needed.

Yet while Mayor Lightfoot hasn't called for defunding the police some aldermen have.

What's really amazing is that this story is only newsworthy because it involves the stores that rich white folk shop at.

While BLM's claim that the looting is ok because insurance will pay back the companies--apparently BLM thinks insurance rates never go up and that insurance companies print money--is absurd but what is true is the hundreds of Blacks murdered and the thousands of Blacks shot each year in Chicago are a bigger loss than any amount of merchandise.

Yet Lightfoot still pretends to believe the problem isn't the people doing the shooting but the guns.

In the war between honest people, of all colors, and criminals Democrats always seem to be on the side of the crooks.

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