Thursday, August 20, 2020

Democrats hate women: Bill Clinton speaking at the Democrat convention edition

We know for a fact that Bill Clinton lied under oath about sexually harassing a government employee in order to not lose a lawsuit filed by another employee he sexually harassed.

But wait you say Monica Lewinsky provided consent.

In a private business if a boss has an affair with a subordinate he's out.


There are two key reasons. The first is that a subordinate is in an unequal relationship with her boss. Hence consent can be a tricky thing. Even now Lewinsky has is having second thoughts about whether or not she really consented.

The second is that if a boss can have sex with a subordinate it puts pressure on women to try and seduce the boss.  Women aren't idiots and they know that when promotions and raises are considered the boss is going to treat the woman who's having sex with him ahead of any other subordinates.

Hence allowing sexual relationships between bosses and subordinates puts pressure on and discriminates against all women in the office.

However there is no doubt that when Bill exposed himself to Paula Jones and told her to perform a sex act she hadn't provide any consent.

In a world where the #FakeNews media condemns Trump for consensual non-workplace relations it's odd that the Democrat party continues to honor Bill Clinton who was guilty of sexual harassment.

Bill's even been credibly accused of rape.

And now we're learning that he was a close personal friend of child molester Epstein; that Bill went to Epstein's island and flew on his plane multiple times.

But still the Democrats have asked him to speak at their convention.

It does make sense though given that Joe Biden is on tape touching women and moving in close to sniff their hair without their permission.  His VP candidate, Kamala Harris, said she believes the 8 women who have accused Biden of that.

One of those 8 has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her.  Oddly, just like it was with Bill Clinton, the #FakeNews media, that would repeat any baseless insane story about Justice Kavanaugh, has pretty much ignored the accusations against Biden.

Finally note that Democrats are all in for abortion.

But abortion is a tool created by the patriarchy to allow men to use women as objects not love them as people.

The verdict is clear. While they talk a lot about supporting women Democrat politicians don't believe that they have to actually care about women or treat them properly.

It's ok in the eyes of the Democrat party for Democrat politicians to be sexual predators.

Oh and that might also explain why Democrats are so supportive of men who say they're women competing in women's sports and thereby denying women college scholarships.

Hating women is apparently in the Democrat DNA.

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