Saturday, August 1, 2020

Democrat Diane Feinstein says China is a great place; clearly she's not a Muslim

Diane Feinstein defends China. Not too surprising given that her husband has made a fortune from China and that she had a Chinese spy on her staff for decades.  But of course she says her husbands business dealings have no impact on her and she was completely unaware that her personal driver was a spy.

She recently said:

“We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time, and as a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations, I deeply believe that.”

Given that China is has put over 1,000,000 Muslims into concentration camps, has invaded India, and is claiming the entire South China Sea clearly Feinstein has a different view of what "respectable" than most Americans.

The context of these comments was Feinstein's objection to allowing Americans to sue the Chinese government for covering up and lying about the China virus thereby creating the current pandemic.

Oddly Feinstein and other Democrats are eager to blame Trump for the disease that occurred due to the deliberate coverups perpetrated by the Chinese tyrants.

But then Democrats tend to identify with China.

Obama said he wished he could rule like Xi does as an absolute ruler.

Democrat politicians in general view themselves as our betters who should be allowed to run every aspect of our lives; just like the Chinese Communists do.

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