Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jemele Hill says that being forced to ride in the back of the bus is as bad as genocide

This is an amazing tweet for several reasons.

First and foremost it equates oppression with genocide.

We all agree that slavery was wrong but if we can't distinguish between slavery and slaughter we're not being honest.

The Jews who died in the camps would undoubtedly have gladly been enslaved instead.  That doesn't mean that slavery is good but that to compare it to genocide cheapens the Shoah.

The next problem is that all of the bad things that Blacks suffered through that Jemele lists were done by Democrats:
  • Slave owners who bought slaves were Democrats
  • Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal
  • Democrats founded the KKK to oppress Blacks
  • Democrats passed all the Jim Crow laws that discriminated against Blacks
  • Democrats fought for segregation
Yet Jemele is a big fan of Democrats for some reason.

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