Sunday, August 2, 2020

AOC says that a saint is a monster: St. Damien edition

While conducting a virtual tour of statues in DC AOC said the following about St. Damien:

So AOC is saying that a man who spent his life with lepers, when there was no cure for the disease, and who eventually died from leprosy is a "white supramcist" colonizer.

Talk about evil.

Hawaiians honor St. Damien but AOC condemns him.

Here's what the King of Hawaii wrote to St. Damien:

Reverend Sir,

I desire to express to you my admiration of the heroic and distinguished service you are rendering to the most unhappy of my subjects; and to pay, in some measure, a public tribute to the devotion, patience and unbounded charity with which you give yourself to the corporal and spiritual relief of these unfortunate people, who are necessarily deprived of the affectionate care of their relations and friends.

I know well that your labors and sacrifices have no other motive than the desire to do good to those in distress; and that you look for no reward but from the great God, our sovereign Lord, who directs and inspires you. Nevertheless to satisfy my own earnest desire, I beg of you, Reverend Father, to accept the decoration of the Royal Order of Kalakaua, as a testimony of my sincere admiration for the efforts you are making to relieve the distress and lessen the sufferings of these afflicted people, as I myself had an occasion to see on my recent visit to the settlement.

I am,
Your friend,
Lili`uokalani, Regent

What's AOC done to help lepers? Nothing. Yet she feels free to condemn a man who died for Hawaiians because he's white.

Clearly there's a lot of racism in America but it's not just Democrats like AOC ignoring the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities it's hatred of white people by Democrats too.

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