Monday, August 3, 2020

Facebook saying gays can't want to be straight

Facebook is in the process of implementing a plan to ban discussion of converse therapy which is a way to help people suffering from same sex attraction heal themselves.

The first thing to note is that whether you use the Bible or science a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex has a problem.

Scripture clearly condemns active homosexuality--but not individuals who suffer from same sex attraction-- despite what some gays claim:

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Romans 1:26-27

Science says that to the extent that we have a purpose it's only to send our genes to the future. But clearly that's something that gays can't do and hence it must mean that they aren't in fact functioning properly.

Hence it's clear that whatever your perspective is gays have a problem that should be addressed.

But even if one doesn't agree with that it's pretty tyrannical to tell gays who want to be fixed that they can't even try.

Yet that's what people on the left and Facebook are doing.  They're saying that if someone believes that their disordered situation is in fact disordered and want to fix it they're not allowed to do so.

Talk about fascism and a hatred of diversity.

If conversion therapy were being forced on gays there might be a reason to condemn it but when it's purely voluntary there is no reason to censor it.

The reason the left is so against conversion therapy is because it works. A large fraction of gays who want to be cured are cured.

But that of course goes against the left's claim that being gay is genetic.

We know that claim is false if evolution is true since evolution says that mutations that increase the number of offspring a creature has are preserved and mutations that decrease the number of offspring a creature has are eliminated.

Other than mutations that kill people when they're kids its hard to imagine any mutation that would be less likely to survive than one that causes people to be gay.

Of course studies of identical twins separated at birth show that gayness isn't genetic. If it were then the probability of both of the twins being gay would be much higher if one of them were gay yet that's not the case.

This is one more example of how the left is willing to make people, in this case gays who don't like their problem, miserable in order to not allow anything that would undermine leftist orthodoxy.

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