Friday, August 14, 2020

Why defunding the police is a good idea

Only insane fascists want to defund the police so that innocent citizens, mostly minorities, will be defenseless against criminals.

Rich white folk don't live in places where violence is common so they don't care about cops but poor Black people in Democrat run hell holes like Chicago do because an armed cop is all that stands between them and some gang member with an Uzi.

But the good news is that when Democrat run cities like Austin, Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis talk about defunding the police they're like a roach motels for criminals.

Criminals are dishonest not stupid so they'll be flocking to cities where the police have been replaced with community engagement teams and the 911 line is answered by a shrink.

While the left thinks the only reason anyone is a criminal is because they weren't loved enough as a child and that crime can be prevented by talking nicely to homicidal maniacs the reality is that some people just choose evil.

Those folks know a good deal when they see it. To paraphrase an old army line cities that defund the police are "victim rich environments".

Crooks will flock to those cities and never leave since leaving would mean going to a city where the cops protect the people and thereby make criminals lives difficult.

So let's let Democrat run cities commit suicide.  We'll get drastically lower crime rates in the rest of the country.

And maybe, just maybe, those poor people who the Democrats setting up to be victims might decide to stop voting for Democrats.

Which makes it a win win.  Except of course for the people who are victims of crime in those cities.

Given that three of the Minneapolis officials use your tax dollars to buy themselves armed guards and given that in Portland CHAZ was shut down the instant the leftist mayor's house was threatened we can be pretty sure that the Democrats calling for defunding the police will make sure they're safe.

The victims will only be the people that the Democrat are allegedly representing. Which once again shows that Democrats want to rule over us not represent us.

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