Friday, August 21, 2020

Iran and China want Joe Biden to be President because they know he's on their side

Joe Biden flew to China with his son, Hunter, in Air Force 2.

Two weeks later Hunter's company was given $1 billion of Chinese government money to invest.

Hunter will make tens of millions of dollars.

Meanwhile Joe Biden is constantly defending China.

When Joe was VP nothing was done about unfair Chinese trade practices including China's average tariff on American goods being 4 times higher than the average American tariff on Chinese goods.

When Chine lied and people died Joe Biden attacked Trump for banning travel from China to protect us.

Joe's bought and paid for by China. He'll do what they want.

What's harder to understand is why Joe is a big fan of Iran.  There's no evidence of Iran bribing him.

But Joe defended Iran when he was VP going along with all of Obama's appeasement and covering up of Iranian supported terrorism.

Joe won't kill Iranian terrorists the way Trump has.

No Joe will give Iran billions like he did when he was VP.  He'll restore Obama's agreement to let Iran develop nuclear weapons just so long as they wait awhile so that Obama, and now Biden, won't be blamed.

If you doubt any of this watch this video; Joe cares about China not about American workers.

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