Thursday, August 13, 2020

It turns out that gender transition surgery doesn't help trans individuals mental health

Last year you may have heard about a study that claimed that sex reassignment procedures, both hormonal and surgical, resulted in people who suffer from confusion about their sex needing less mental health care.

Well now a year later the authors of the study are saying whoops we were wrong.

There is no mental health benefit from having a procedure that pretends to change one's sex.

Science is very clear; sex is determined by our DNA and without changing that any "sex change" procedure is nothing more than a very elaborate, and very expensive, costume.

Hence it's not surprising that pretending to be something one isn't doesn't lead to better mental health.

In fact Ryan Anderson, of the Heritage foundation, pointed out that the revised study shows that people who undergo these "make overs" actually are more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders than people suffering from gender confusion who haven't had the procedures.

This isn't at all surprising. People who suffer from gender confusion are usually deeply troubled and they're told that if they just pay a lot of money all their problems will be solved.

But pretending to be something one isn't solves nothing; it only creates new problems.

People who truly love trans people work to get them to realize that they're wonderful people just as they are and that they don't have to pretend to be something they're not.

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