Monday, August 3, 2020

ESPN finds NBA oppresses people in China

Because the NBA is about making money, except when protesting in America, it's censored speech directed at pointing out its buddy buddy relationship with the tyrannical Chinese government.

Even as China is sending millions of Muslims to concentration camps and destroying democracy in Hong Kong the NBA is silent.

But let one innocent Black man be killed by cops and the NBA is all over attacking America.

Now an ESPN investigation shows that the NBA was aware of child abuse in NBA academies in China and did nothing about it.

Chinese coaches beat young men in NBA affiliated academies because that is considered in China to be a good way to train people.

Clearly the NBA cares about two things; making money and virtue signaling.

They turn a blind eye to the monstrous actions of the Chinese government because they make a lot of money in China.

But they're willing to lose money in the US by virtue signaling about the bogus claim that America is systemically racist.

Time to boycott the NBA.

Let's make games games again not platforms for virtue signaling.

If America were systemically racist Black NBA players wouldn't be making obscene amounts of money.

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