Sunday, August 2, 2020

The "Resistance" shows that Democrats are fascists.

Depending on your age you probably think of different things when you hear the term "resistance":

  • The French resistance fighting Nazi occupation
  • The people in the Soviet Union who fought against tyranny
  • The Germans who tried to kill Hitler

In every case though resistance was about fighting a tyranny not a democratically elected government.

Like him or hate him Trump was elected according to the laws of the United States just like Obama was.

Conservatives hated Obama's policies as much as Democrat's hate Trump's but we followed the law and we didn't "resist".

Democrats in the Senate fought every nomination for a post in the administration, unlike Republicans when Obama picked his people, just to prevent we the people's chosen President from doing his job.

Since then Democrats have embraced every sort of lie against Trump.

Similarly activist judges have overstepped their authority time and again to declare that pretty much everything Trump does that they don't like is illegal. They've gone so far as to say that if Trump issues an order it's unconstitutional but if Hillary had issued the exact same order it would be Constitutional.

They've declared that what Obama wrote with his pen can't be erased with Trump's pen.  Thereby making Obama a super president whose rulings can't be undone by elections.

All of this shows that the Democrats are fascists who only respect elections if they win.

Republicans follow the law; Democrats are for judges making up laws to enforce what Democrats want.

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