Saturday, August 8, 2020

Study shows that Green Energy is impossible

The Center of the American Experiment has a new study out that shows that it is physically impossible for America to go all Green, ie wind and solar, power.

They look at the state of Minnesota.

To provide green energy for Minnesota alone, according to a World Bank analysis of the amount of metal used per Wh of Green energy, would require 1% of global copper production, 4.75% of global nickel production, and 43% of global cobalt production.

Now that doesn't seem totally impossible but let's see what it would mean to make all of America use only Green energy like Joe Biden wants.

America uses around 4.2 x 10^15 Wh which means Minnesota uses about 1.2% of the total power.

That means that to make all American energy Green would require 80% of the worlds copper production for one year, 3.83 years of the worlds entire nickel production, and 3,474 years of the worlds cobalt production.

Clearly that's not going to be possible.

Hence no matter how many times Joe Biden clicks his heels together he won't be able to get rid of fossil fuels.

Unless of course he's going to make we the people have a drastically worse lifestyle. Is it just an accident that the Green New Deal that Joe Biden endorses calls for eliminating personal cars and airplanes for we the people?  I bet people like Joe will still get limos and be able to fly though.

But the problem is even worse. The US only produces 14% of the worlds CO2.  Hence even if we zeroed that with Chinese and Indian CO2 production growing rapidly, they already count for 35% of the worlds CO2 production, if Joe's right we're all going to die even if the US stops generating CO2.

So what would it take to get everyone in the world to use Green energy?

The world uses around 157*10^17 Wh of power each year.  Minnesota uses 52*10^12 Wh each year.

That means that Minnesota uses about 0.0003% of the worlds power.

That means that to make the world Green we'd need 3019 years of the worlds entire copper supply, 14341 years of the worlds nickel production, and 129,826 years of the worlds cobalt production.

According to the warmists we need to reduce CO2 by 40 to 70%.  Which means that even if the US manages to do the impossible and meet Joe's objective we're still all going to die.

The rest of the world is going to have to Green in a serious way.

Let's be optimistic and say we only need to convert 40% of the worlds power to Green energy.

That's much better. Now we need 1,207 years of the worlds copper production, 5,736 years of the worlds nickel production, and a measly 51,930 years of the worlds cobalt production.

To Democrats who say that math doesn't apply to them, their modern monetary theory says that the Government can print as much money as it wants to pay for anything it wants, this is probably ok.

After all math, engineering, and science can't stand in the way of their feelings.

Now switching to hydroelectric and nuclear power would allow significant reductions in CO2 production but warmists reject those options.

But we know that warmists don't really care about CO2. If they did they'd be all for fracking which produces natural gas which, when burnt, produces far less CO2 than coal does.  That's why the US CO2 levels are going down under Trump since he, unlike Obama, isn't doing everything he can to keep America from being energy independent.

The whole Green energy movement is an excuse to herd us into densified cities where we're at the mercy of the government.

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