Sunday, August 23, 2020

Leftist teacher hating on the police: Cops are just like the KKK

It was distributed to 400 Junior High School students.

What's interesting about this cartoon is that the person who made it is probably a Democrat as is the teacher that used it.

The problem is that first the person who enslaved Blacks should be a Black African not a white guy.

Second the Democrats who fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal were all Democrats.

Third the KKK was founded by Democrats and used, like Antifa today, to suppress votes and speech by non-Democrats.

Fourth the "white only" segregated South was run by Democrats.

Finally the police officer in the George Floyd case worked for a police department run by an entirely Democrat city government.

It's Democrats all down the line from the founding of the party by a racist slave owner to today the Democrat party has been the party of slavery and oppressing Blacks.

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