Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Black professor condemns affirmative action for saying Blacks aren't smart

Glenn Loury is a professor of economics at Brown University who happens to be Black.

He condemns affirmative action for the same reason that Hoover Institute scholar Thomas Sowell, who's also Black, does; it assumes that Blacks are incapable of succeeding in competition with whites because Blacks aren't as capable as whites.

Professor Loury said the following in a speech at the College of the Holy Cross:

“I’m for racial equality. Not for patronization. Don’t patronize my people,”  “Don’t inflict on us the consequences of a soft bigotry of low expectations. Don’t presume that we’re not capable of objectively expressing excellence in the same way as any other people are expressing excellence.

Don’t judge us by a different standard. Don’t lower the bar! Why are you lowering the bar? What’s going on there? Is that about guilt or pity? Tell me a pathway to equality that is rooted in either one of those things. You’re not going to find it. Is it about guilt – oh my how we treated the blacks? Or is it about pity – we know there not quite up to it but that’s OK, we’ll look the other way.”

The reality is that affirmative action lowers the bar for Blacks because the Democrats who support it are at heart racists who think that Blacks can't compete toe to toe with whites.

Give Blacks a safe environment, good schools, and intact families and they will meet the same standards that white students do.

But Democrats allow thousands of Blacks to be shot in Democrat run cities each year; clearly safe neighborhoods for Blacks aren't a priority for Democrats.

Similarly even though the public schools are failing Blacks, in Chicago only 17% of Blacks are proficient or better at reading while more than 50% of white students are, Democrats refuse to let Black kids have school choice like rich white kids do.

Finally Democrats were warned by a fellow Democrat--Daniel Patrick Moynihan--that their approach to welfare would destroy Black families yet they implemented it anyway.  And as the years wore on and Moynihan was proven right Democrats did nothing to fix the problem.

Democrats cover up their gross mistreatment of Blacks by supporting affirmative action which is nothing more than a way to keep from having to actually help Blacks succeed.

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