Saturday, August 15, 2020

Kamala Harris has waged war on the free press

For decades a key tool used by reporters to dig out corruption and conspiracy is to pretend to be someone they're not.

60 Minutes on CBS used the technique all the time.

Pretend to be a racist to get racists to openly admit their plans.

But when conservatives began to use the same technique to show the evil at the core of leftist groups like Planned Parenthood Democrats began questioning it.

When Lila Rose posed as a 13 year old girl and got PP abortion mills to tell her how she could get an abortion without having to report that she was the victim of statutory rape Democrats weren't happy.

But Kamala Harris took the Democrat's antipathy for the truth to new heights.

When she was the Attorney General of California she was fine when animal rights activists pretended to be someone other than who they were to get the goods on mistreatment of animals.

But when a reporter went undercover and got video showing that PP was illegally selling aborted baby organs for cash what did Kamala do?

She raided the house of the reporter and charged him with a crime.

That's what attacking the press is really about. Trump has only pointed out the dishonesty of the #FakeNews media but the same Democrats who supported Harris's charging reporters for uncovering a crime are saying that Trump is "attacking" the free press.

Harris has been a big supporter of PP and no wonder; they funnel a lot of money into her campaigns.

Do we really want a VP, who'll probably be president a month or two after the election, who uses the full power of the state to persecute journalists who dig up corruption by her supporters?

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