Friday, August 7, 2020

Twitter's rules: China can spread COVID19 lies but Trump can't repeat what Doctors say

The only way that leftist can win is if voters never hear anything contrary to leftist lies.

Trump said that kids are basically immune to death from COVID19 which is true.

Here's deaths due to the China virus, actually deaths of people who had the China virus even if that isn't what killed them, in New York by age:

It's pretty clear that kids who would be in school if the Democrats don't keep schools closed would be pretty safe.

More detailed numbers show that more kids die in a bad flu season than would die from the China virus.

It's no accident that the Europeans have reopened their schools; after all they know that the head of the CDC and the vast majority of pediatricians are right that more kids will die from closed schools than from COVID19.

But if you know this then you won't buy into the Democrat's insane plan to lock the whole country, not just vulnerable people, down until Joe Biden is elected.

That's why Twitter is censoring Trump and not Chinese government officials who are saying the US military is behind the China virus.

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