Sunday, August 30, 2020

Democrats believe the COVID19 virus is magical: will kill if 10 people go to church but 1000s of protesters are safe

The vast majority of the time Democrats like Joe Biden are telling us that if we dare get together for say our father's funeral we'll be killing our grandparents.

But whenever a huge crowd is good for Democrats all of a sudden we're told it's perfectly safe.

When the Antifa/BLM riots/protests started the Democrats turned on a dime from saying that we had to shut down the churches to protect grandma to huge crowds of non-mask wearing non-social distancing people were fine.

When churches sued against being held to stricter rules than restaurants and pot dispensaries Democrats instantly reverted to "you're killing grandmothers".

When rioting and "protests" continued Democrats immediately said that the China virus is so smart and so attuned to leftist ideology that it wouldn't infect people at those events.

Then when Trump had a few people sitting too close together during his acceptance speech the same Democrats declared that Trump was a mass murderer.

Another takeaway from the Democrats bizarre views on the magical nature of COVID19 is that either they're liars or racists, or both.

Democrats say that COVID19 is racist because it has a more severe impact on Blacks than on whites. While it's not clear if that's true when we correct for preexisting conditions etc let's assume it is.

But Democrats have urged Blacks to go out and protest and riot.

Which means that Democrats have urged Black people to die if in fact they are more vulnerable to the virus.  If Democrats believe what they say about the virus then their actions show that Democrat politicians are willing to sacrifice Black lives if that will help Democrat politicians get elected.

That's pretty racist.

On the other hand if Democrats believe that riots/protests don't kill grandmothers, which would make them liars since they keep saying any sort of crowd is death, then their use of COVID19 to shut down churches demonstrates their hatred of religion.

Hence either Democrat politicians are lying about the virus or they're trying to kill Blacks.

Make sure any undecided voters you know are aware of that.

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