Friday, August 21, 2020

The real Joe Biden speaking: An antidote to the lies told by the #FakeNews media

Clearly if these were quotes from Trump Democrats and their lap dogs in the #FakeNews media would say:
  • Trump is racist
  • Trump is mentally unfit to be President
  • Trump is a sexual harasser
Yet in the video we see the #FakeNews media lying so much that they even tried to get us to believe that that little girl who was cringing at Joe's touching and smelling her wasn't in fact bothered.

Share this video with your friends because they probably won't see any of this from now till the election.


Anonymous said...

>Trump is racist
>Trump is mentally unfit to be President
>Trump is a sexual harasser

wow you finally said it. you figured it out. i'm proud of you

trinko said...

For someone who says they went to Caltech you clearly don't read very well.

I said that if Trump had said what Joe Biden said people like you would say that he was those things.

However since it's Joe Biden whose saying it and people like you aren't very honest you'll just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

went to caltech? what are you talking about? i'm an anonymous commenter.

also, it seems you don't read well. I was joking. Obviously.