Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Whose more racist, Joe Biden or Confederate Generals

The left and Democrats, is there a difference?, are tearing down statues of Catholic saints, Abraham Lincoln and General Grant because of...  Well it's not really clear what other than a hatred of the past.

The whole "let's take the law into our own hands and tear down statues we don't like" started allegedly because statues of Confederate Generals were offensive because the Confederacy fought the  Civil War to keep slavery legal.

While we're all opposed to slavery these days there are few things we should note.

First the Confederate Generals, and the Confederacy in general, were all Democrats just like Joe Biden.

Second Joe Biden is much more enthused about killing Blacks than those Generals were.

Sounds shocking right? But it's true.

It's hard to find out how many slaves were deliberately murdered by their "owners" but given the economic value of slaves the number can't be too high.

After the Civil War the unrepentant Democrats in the South founded the KKK which went around lynching Blacks.

According to the NAACP there were around 4743 lynchings from 1882 to 1968.  A horrible number to be sure but only a tiny fraction of the number of Blacks that Joe Biden's policies have killed.

Joe Biden is all in for abortion for any reason at any time during a pregnancy , and possibly shortly after birth.

But it turns out that Black women abort at 3 times the rate of white women.

In 2019 around 300,000 Black babies were aborted.  That means that if the Black abortion rate were the same as the white abortion rate 200,000 more Blacks would have been born.

Hence Democrats, like Joe Biden, who do and say nothing about this huge racial disparity while doing everything they can to increase the number of abortions, Joe supports your tax dollars paying for elective abortions for example, are responsible just as the Democrats in the South before the Civil War who did nothing to end slavery were responsible.

In one year Joe's policies lead to nearly 50 times more dead Blacks than all the Democrat lynchings between 1882 to 1968.

Now that's racist.

If Joe wasn't racist he'd be calling for safe legal abortions but demanding that we fix the huge racial disparity in abortion rates.

Democrats constantly tell us that any racial disparity is evidence of racism.  So they must believe that the slaughter of Black babies is due to racism.  Yet Democrats like Joe never say anything about this huge problem; Jesse Jackson called it genocide before he sold out to the whites who run the Democrat party.

Of course abortion isn't the only area where Joe helps get Blacks killed.

Every year in Democrat run cities thousands of Blacks are shot and nationwide thousands of Blacks are murdered.  That too is a racial disparity.  For example in Chicago 75% of murder victims are Black but Blacks only make up 32% of Chicagoans. That's a racial disparity of nearly 2.5.

We all know that if thousands of whites were being shot in Democrat run cities each year more would be done.

Hence Joe's silence, and the silence of all Democrats, on this issue makes them complicit in the on-going slaughter of Black Americans.

The bottom line is that if we use the number of Black deaths that someone's policies cause as our measure of racism Joe Biden is much worse than the Confederate Generals were.

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