Monday, July 20, 2020

Yes Virginia Joe Biden does want to defund the police

While Joe Biden doesn't actually say he wants to defund the police he has labeled them as the "enemy" and said that some of the money, how much he hasn't specified,  used for the police should be redirected elsewhere.

Now if you take money away from the police that's defunding the police no matter where the money you take ends up. Hence redirecting money from the police is the same as cutting the police departments budget; ie defunding the police.

It is true that Joe hasn't come out for abolishing the police but that's a small comfort to all the poor inner city Blacks who are already suffering from under policing.

While Joe and his rich white friends get all upset about the rare cases where a police officer kills an innocent Black man the reality is that thousands of Blacks are murdered each year not by police but by fellow Blacks.

Rich leftists like Joe, college students, and Silicon Valley tech workers don't see why we need police because they live in safe areas where all the police do is bust their drug dealers and give them speeding tickets.

But for inner city Blacks the police are all that stand between the vast majority of honest Blacks and the small fraction of predators.

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