Friday, July 17, 2020

Another #FakeNews media big lie: Apparently a cop didn't shoot a young boy because he ignored the sign in sheet at a recreation center

As part of the left's war on sanity The Atlantic published an article arguing for the abolition of the police by Derecka Purnell.

The core of the article is how when she was 12 she saw a police officer shoot a kid because the kid had ignored the sign in sheet at the rec center.

On the face of that that's absurd.  The incident would have occurred somewhere between 2001 and 2003, her article lacks certain information so we can't be sure of the exact date, not in the 1950s Democrat run South so the likelihood of a cop shooting a kid for no reason being unheard of is rather slim.

But the folks at the Federalist have done a deep dive and they've shown that it's pretty clear that the shooting never occurred.

Using the highly detailed descriptions in the article they were able to identify the rec center as one of two in St. Louis.  Of course the fact that the article doesn't name the youth center, or the date of the shooting, is highly suspicious in itself.

Purnell says that the event deeply affected her, which if it had happened makes perfect sense, but she doesn't have the date or location on the tip of her tongue.

The Federalist checked on the internet and with the St. Louis police and no shooting of any sort, other than possible one suicide, occurred at either of the two potential rec centers.

There's no mention of the shooting in the local papers of the time.

Jeff Roorda, a Democrat state representative, doesn't recall the event.

Jacob Long, a former reporter and spokesman for the St. Louis mayor, was living in St. Louis at the time and has no recollection of the shooting.

The Federalist reached out to both Purnell and The Atlantic asking for supporting data  and got silence.

Clearly if Purnell wasn't lying she should be able, and eager, to show that the folks at the Federalist are wrong and that in fact the shooting she described really occurred.

Silence on the other hand sure looks like a tacit admission of guilt.

Of course Purnell knows The Atlantic won't admit to being scammed since the lie was for the "greater good"; namely leaving poor Blacks unprotected by eliminating the police.

Folks who call for getting rid of cops live in safe neighborhoods where they never see and never need a police officer.  They don't apparently care about poor people who are the victims of crime who will be left defenseless, remember the folks who want to abolish the police also want to keep you from having a gun to defend yourself.

This is just one more example of how Democrats will tell any lie to gain more power over you.

UPDATE: The Atlantic has admitted that the story was wrong.  It turns out when the woman was 13, not 12, she saw a private security guard shoot his adult, not child, cousin over a dispute.

Apparently The Atlantic did no fact checking on the story otherwise such a major correction wouldn't have been needed.

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