Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Blacks supported the 1994 crime bill because they wanted safe neighborhoods

The majority of the Congressional Black Caucus voted for the same crime bill they're now saying is racist.

Let that sink in. Apparently the Congressional Black Caucus in 1994 was racist and hated Blacks.

The reason white leftists and the Blacks who dance to their tune are ok with letting criminals out sooner is that the primary victims of crime are Black.

While we constantly hear that Blacks are overrepresented in prisons, which isn't true, what we never hear is that Blacks are grossly over victimized by crime.

For example in Chicago 75% of the people murdered are Blacks and 71% of their murders are Black but Blacks only make up 32% of Chicagoans.

A higher proportion of Blacks are in prison than whites because a higher proportion of criminals are Black.  The race of a criminal is defined by what the victim says it is so given that Blacks are the primary victims of crime it's Blacks saying that their assailants are Black not whites saying their assailants were Black.

In the recent George Floyd riots in Chicago the vast majority of Chicago's 864,024 Blacks did not riot  and did not steal.  But they suffered from the destruction caused by the small fraction of Blacks who did.

The same applies to day to day crime.  Blacks are like everybody else; they don't want to have their children sleep in bathtubs to protect them from stray bullets.

Blacks want safe neighborhoods but white Democrats don't care.  In fact white Democrats like Blacks being afraid since that tends to keep Blacks from noticing that their real enemy are the Democrats who run the cities, like Chicago, where it's open season on shooting Blacks.

So when you see Blacks who follow what the white Democrats want pushing to return murderers, drug dealers, and thieves back to Black neighborhoods where they will prey on Blacks you have to wonder just what they're thinking.

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