Monday, July 27, 2020

There are no peaceful protests in Portland

For the last 60 days around 2000 people, about 0.3% of the population of Portland, have been violently attacking America.

They're attacking America in two ways; first they're attacking Federal property and second they're rejecting the entire idea of the rule of law.

While not everyone of them has thrown a Molotov cocktail they've all supported the violence and hence aren't "peaceful" protesters.

In one night the "peaceful" protestors did the following:

  • Tried to tear down a fence around a Federal building
  • Threw flaming objects over the fence
  • Fired mortar style fireworks at the building and government workers
  • Threw rocks at the police
  • Threw a caustic substance at the police
  • Vandalized a Federal building
  • Threw Molotov cocktails
  • Used lasers to try to permanently blind the police

I'm so old that I remember when the #FakeNews media was aghast and all atwitter about people legally carrying guns protesting about a draconian lockdown in Michigan.

I'm so old that I remember how the #FakeNews media and Democrats reacted to the Tea Party's protests.

Apparently legally carrying a gun is not peaceful if you're a conservative but blinding police and throwing explosives is peaceful if you're a leftist.

Can you imagine how the Democrats and #FakeNews media would react if pro-lifers did this to an abortion mill?

Can you imagine how the Democrats and #FakeNews media would react if Christians did this to one of the government buildings in a state where it's legal to riot, get weed, or have an abortion but illegal to go to church?

The reality is that Democrats and their propaganda arm, the #FakeNews media, are fascists and like the Nazi's and the Communists they have their own little army that they use to attack anyone they don't like.

Of course Antifa, and the Democrats use of them, is nothing new.

After losing the Civil War they fought to keep slavery legal Democrats founded the KKK to terrorize anyone who didn't agree with them; which included Catholics as well as Blacks.

Antifa is just the 21st century incarnation of the KKK.

Throughout history Democrats have been perfectly comfortable using force rather than the ballot box to achieve their objectives.

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