Friday, July 31, 2020

Planned Parenthood's NY abortion mill cancels Margaret Sanger but continues to prey on Blacks

Everyone who has studied the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, knows that she was a virulent racist and eugenicist.

She sent a complementary note to Hitler about his eugenics policies, though not about the Shoah.

Here's a few more examples of her racism:

  • She said “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”
  • She favored forced sterilization of the "unfit"
  • She gave a speech to the KKK
  • She wrote "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”; note she was talking about infants who had already been born

Yet for decades Planned Parenthood(PP) has been extolling her virtues.  The highest award that PP gives is named after her.

Until last week the flagship PP abortion mill in New York City had Sanger's name on their facility.

But now they've expunged her because of her "racist legacy" and her "connections to the eugenics movement".

PP as a whole hasn't taken this step and it continues to defend her.

But more importantly PP still targets Blacks for abortion.  80% of PP abortion mills are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.  Blacks are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than whites.

There are recordings of conversations where PP took donations with the caveat that they could only be used to abort Black babies.

If PP wasn't just as racist as Margret Sanger they'd be talking about ways to fix the huge racial disparity between white and Black abortions.  Instead they are silent.

The reality is that PP and the Democrat politicians and #FakeNews media members who praise PP are either enthused about killing off Blacks--it's not uncommon to hear leftists talk about how abortion reduces welfare costs and crime and when rich white people talk about people on welfare they're not thinking about whites--or they don't care enough to speak out against the huge racial disparity.

Either way it's clear that Black Lives Don't Matter to PP, Democrat politicians, or the #FakeNews media.

If Black lives did matter those folks would be calling for safe and legal abortions while simultaneously decrying the fact that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort than white women.

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